Aug 22Liked by Clint Collide

hey there. i'm a fan of your youtube vids. i'm from another century 83๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ and couldn't tell AI from regula. it's all good. boys only vids please don't need girls (just sayin). see how far you can go with AI beautiful men pix showing everything but peen๐Ÿ˜‡. my runes said AI will not replace humans it's only a tool. a knife is only a tool but it can cut salad or murder someone. may you prosperโค๏ธ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒ

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Thanks, Phil. No guarantees on the ladies. While I mostly make montages with just men, I reserve the right to make whatever I want, featuring whoever I want. And we've got some sapphic sisters here...so feel free to skip those if they're not your cup of tea.

As for AI, I agree...it's just a tool. One that's used for good, bad, and ugh-ly. Cheers.

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I'm fascinated by AI-generated art. At some point the courts will have to determine what constitutes art that can be protected by copyright law. My understanding is that at the moment, here in the US, AI-generated art is not protected. Another consideration is that AI is in its infancy and no one is certain how it will evolve. However, one thing is certain: it's here to stay and I suspect it will have a profound impact on our everyday lives.

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If you haven't been following, the courts are becoming inundated with cases big and small. Artists are mostly unhappy with the rulings thus far, but the logic seems...consistent at least. Lots to figure out. And of course Lady Justice will be tardy to the party as usual. As for copyright, you are correct: not strictly made via AI-generators is currently protectable. Though there are a few cases already about using it as part of the process...like collage. There are lots of gray areas that will have to be figured out. For now, I'm just watching and trying to find common sense ways to use it ethically and responsibly. Cheers

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Aug 22Liked by Clint Collide

Now, I'm not sure I'm adamantly opposed to artificial INTELLIGENCE. It's the artificial STUPIDITY that drives me wild, like the bots that monitor reviews on Amazon or enforce what they think are "community guidelines" on You Tube. Then, should you require a human to interact with, you're out of luck. THAT I object to. Distinguishing between the two is not hard at times, impossible at other times. Given the enormous amounts of power that the server farms providing these services to us require, I'm not all that sure they'll be an eternal feature of our lives. Just sayin'.

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Great point, though companies that just a few years ago were touting their commitment to reducing their power consumption (i.e. Google) have replaced their human staff with AI so much I'm sure they're using "funny math" to claim they're still committed. Corporations (mostly) suck...and use up more energy than most civilized nations. That's not sustainable.

As for the bots, they made me bitch and glitch endlessly. I hate them so. :-p

Thanks for your comments, Mr. Fountain!

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Aug 21Liked by Clint Collide

I love that you included the trailer for "Do I Sound Gay?" - it's an important narrative (and how the fuck have I never watched it???) I'm going to post a link to the movie on YouTube in next week's Qstack post, with credit to you CC... AI? She did a good job on my headshots ;)

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No need to credit, but do you, boo. Also, the movie's good. Worth a watch. You will likely lol.

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Aug 21Liked by Clint Collide

Hi Clint

You know my thoughts on AI, okies I'm a Luddite, there I've said it, but this is what terrifies me about the use of AI and it's your words not mine: The very real use of AI for misinformation and propaganda terrifies me.

Here in ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ด๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง we are experiencing the Social Media (SM) misinformation about the deaths of 3 children and near anarchy has been the result. This is the real result of all forms of SM and armchair warriors. The instantity of SM coverage could be the catalyst for major world hostilities. So many levels of society see life as a computer/video game as in GOThrones, GTAuto etc. Electronic people die in many ways and dick heads want to emulated it as if it's real life.

AI/Google is fast becoming the way to be educated instead of real teaching to get knowledge. So in a few years if a Professional AI/Google educated person costs a person his life/savings/whatever and that Professionals answer is 'Well AI/Google told me XYZ' who's at fault.

There are some striking modern art AI generated wall pictures that are damned good and I would buy but that's ok, it's a static piece of art, it won't destroy your life and can enhance it. I just come back to the harm that can be done by AI not being responsibly used. I would hate to bring your ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ politics into it, that's your affair but the misinformation I see spouted on YT armchair warriors sites is fucking amoral and again it comes down to what's real or not.

Ok, Clint and others, that's my rant over with.

Cheers from DougT ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ด

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Bravo, Doug, bravo! I actually DIDN'T know how strongly you felt one way or the other about AI. Not that it's all-or-nothing game. If only folks would stop living life like a damn video game. Yes, I do too...much of my life is spent online, but more for art's sake than news and (mis)information. I am critical of most media and what little I do read I usually spend more time trying to dissect what the bias is BEFORE I read the article than actually reading whatever the purported news is. Too many bad actors (at or via the various platforms) are invested in keeping us at odds with each other. Performative outrage is a socially-acceptable "performance art." Sadly, I'm as guilty of it as anyone. I pop off at dumb shit, but I do aim to double-check my sources before getting too upset, too outraged. The struggle is real...annoying. Scary too. I'm sorry to hear about the situation in the UK. I haven't heard much, but I'm not surprised the armchair warriors are making more problems than solutions. Seems to be the oldest online game...next to Pong. :-p



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