As an old man, I lived through some of these events. I experienced similar things in my early life. It is important to remember that we triumphed. This will support people to an extent when the political pendulum swings back pushed by MAGA for example.

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I hope the pendulum swings of history are kind to us all. And I try to start every day posting these reminders of where we’ve been…to remind myself that there’s plenty to celebrate and remember.

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I hope so, too, for others rather than for me. I have always found attitudes about nudity and sexual behaviour illogical and irrational.

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Sounds like my pov about most of human history. :-)

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I am a romantic idealist thus I am disappointed on a regular basis. I feel cynical and cross many times. Why have so many people in the world either never learned how to behave in kindergarten or they have ignored and forgotten it? Be nice, kind, sharing, caring - if a 4 year old can do that why can't adults? I should have written this on your other post about life lessons. [heart] [smiling face] [bunch of flowers] And how about your dancing, singing, eating warm cookies and having fun, Clint? doing these things everyday? Good boy.

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Same here. Cookies?! I love cookies. :-)

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I have to strictly limit cookies and cake [sad face] or else i will pile weight on. I prefer sweet things to other foods. Maybe it comes from a previous incarnation of mine.

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