Great to put some faces to familiar names, well done Clint!

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Oh Clint! This was a fabulous collection! I love the penises (you know I do), but this absolutely made my week. I am ashamed I knew only 1/3 of the men by sight or name. But, I copied your list and will look them up this weekend on Wikipedia. I'm older than dirt, but not too old to learn something new about those who made it possible for me to live so comfortably. Take care, Clint and have a great weekend. DA

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I confess to not recognising most of these men. Your labelling helped me in many cases. I have never been good at remembering names - it is not merely my age. Thank you for the one-line potted biographies for those whom I had never heard of.

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Thank you for the LGBTQ history lession. I must admit I didn't know many of them But tried to guess who they were.

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