22 hrs agoLiked by Clint Collide

Hi Clint, thought you'd be interested in knowing that the model pictured at the 1:16 mark is Bruce of LA model JOHN MANNING. Enjoy your weekend!

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Thanks, David. I was pretty sure that was him, but after looking at so many photos, I don’t always trust myself on the ID’ing. I’m good with faces and places…less good with names and typing. :-p

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23 hrs agoLiked by Clint Collide

Happy weekend everyone!

I got a giggle when I saw the color photo of the guys in the station wagon. It made me think of a gay version of National Lampoon's "Family" Vacation. Hope everyone's doing well.

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You got the same image I did! That’s my kinda roadtrip. :-)

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Sep 22Liked by Clint Collide

Nice round up Clint. Thanks!

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Thanks, Fred. Glad you enjoyed. 🌈✌️

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Sep 22Liked by Clint Collide

Hey Guys - Carcinoma is very common among men. Nothing to be afraid of if it’s caught early by your dermatologist. It rears its head years later after you remember spending your youth in the sun at a time when the suntan lotions didn’t really do the trick long-term. I have had several over the recent years because I spent practically all my early adult life in the sun (beach, nudist camp, etc.). I have an older brother and a first cousin who gets them repetitively also. My brother worked for many summers for the town outdoors shirtless and cut off jeans paving roads with asphalt, etc. My first cousin was a lifeguard and shared with me that he’s had a bunch of these, including Mohs surgery. If it requires more specialist attention then you made need Mohs surgery which I’ve also had. It’s all good.


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Sep 21Liked by Clint Collide

My late stepdaughter met Matt Dillon when he came for a publicity event done at the movie theatre she managed in north Seattle. She said she wasn't impressed with his personality.

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Like your stepdaughter (sorry for your loss), I ran into him (more like he ran into me) on the street in NYC years ago and was a dick. Pretty but all those asshat roles seemed to be typecasting. 😎

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Sep 21Liked by Clint Collide

Hey there Clint, great to see those military guys on a sort of guarding the war stores even if relaxed and topless there holstered handguns were still with them✔️ a nice smattering of gym bunnies too of that period in time. Ivan made another milk call too😎 he liked getting his daily dose of calcium.

I got a late call from after that doctor visit yesterday, he's arranging tests sighhhhh, I'm getting to that man age (21 again 😂) where every doc visit end in needing further tests gggggrrrrrr Cheers DougT 🇫🇴

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Sep 21Liked by Clint Collide

My dermatology visit yesterday ended with most of my nose having been hit with liquid nitrogen to freeze off precancerous growths. Use sunscreen liberally!

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Thanks for the advice, Tom. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery. 🌈✌️

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Sep 21Liked by Clint Collide

Tom, I hope that gets the little sods and your nose goes back to normal ASAP. Luckily my only brush with anything skin wise was having a small Basal Cell Carcinoma removed on my temple/glasses line. Neat scar left too, the Dermatologist was very experienced in cosmetic appearance surgery too.

As an aside I now understand where previously I didn't that in the male only Prostate cancer that TS females M-F can still be affected by Prostate cancer which sucks as for the majority of TS want nothing that reminds them of their previous male self. I hope my statement does not cause any issues to the many strands of LGB community. Cheers DougT 🇫🇴

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Doug, you continue to amaze and inspire with your care and consideration of all. Cheers and thank you for the awareness. I never thought about prostate cancer in our trans sisters. 🌈✌️❤️

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Sep 21Liked by Clint Collide

Clint your welcome. 😎

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G'day, Doug...hope the doc is just being thorough and you pass those test with flying colors. Cuz you're a colorful kinda guy! 21, huh? We're almost the same age. I woke up and decided 19 was as good an age as any (for today). 🌈✌️❤️

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Sep 21Liked by Clint Collide

You betcha Clint

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