17 hrs agoLiked by Clint Collide

Watching this, and remembering other montages, I realized that no matter what happened before or after the images we are shown here were taken, the guys are okay at that moment. Sometimes more than okay. Considering how many have passed due to old age, others due to war, and other awfulnesses, it's nice to share these guys' good day.

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Photos are frozen moments. The ones that survive likely meant something to someone so I do my best to share respectfully, with love and light. I like your take on it. 🌈✌️

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19 hrs agoLiked by Clint Collide

Oh Wowwww I guess that's proof enough that Daniel Radcliffe is part of the intact πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ brigade. I saw an online comment that DR was of the circed brigade 😎 Loved the 5 lads all pretending to be car engineers and finally Ivan with his milky tash. Now it takes me back to being at kindergarten when all school kids here had a bottle of milk drink mid morning. It was started due to food rationing during and after the war years. The scheme started in 1946 and ended in 2 stages, 1968 and 1971. I'm a mine of useless trivia 😎

Now Clint I needed to see my doctor this afternoon and can I say our health system (even with the pressure it's under presently) means I never have to worry financially about my health care. I just wish all countries, esp πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ took the same attitude to national health. Rant over. Cheers DougT πŸ‡«πŸ‡΄

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You’re a mine of loveliness…and sass. I hope your health is as good as your sense of humor. I’m doing my best to have a sense of humor about the sad state of our health care system. Sad and useless. Few can afford to see a doc unless it’s an emergency. Not sustainable. I think I’ll have some milk. :-)

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18 hrs agoLiked by Clint Collide

Join forces with the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² action on not for profit health care, you know it makes sense, no if or buts, it's too important. Our NHS is free at the point of use, we pay in our National Insurance contribution instead. Cheers DougT πŸ‡«πŸ‡΄

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Oh, I'm with you. Sadly, there are too many here that are incentivized to props up our for-profit system. There are more medical lobbyists, I bet, than medical practioners in this country. I know too many people trying to get basic, consistent care who've had doctors drop out of whatever insurance plan after their first (or second) visit, leaving them to start all over with someone new...if they can find anyone willing to take new patients. It's a zucking mess. I'm glad NHS is working for you and most of the UK. I know nothing's perfect, but it's a helluva lot closer than the xit system we currently have. And no one's really doing anything to change it. Just moving checkers on a chess board, imo.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Clint Collide

One reason I stick with the VA healthcare system, for all the inconvenience, is that even if the doctors change (they do) my records stay...at the VA! Continuity of care, after a fashion. Which reminds me I owe them a big copay...

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Hope they’re treating you right…and that copay comes with good bedside manners. 😎🌈✌️

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18 hrs agoLiked by Clint Collide

Precisely, one of the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² members of the gay male/bi/ts cancer group I support works on the assessment of needs in billing for a health care organisation in US His amazement of the differences between our 2 nations stuns him. It's so sad.

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I shared this with a note. Congrats on your continued growth.

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Much appreciated, D.C. Hope you’re doing well. Cheers!!

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