Another stunning collection!! Thank you for all of the Phil Knight photos!! I think I'm adding Jerry Sullivan to my "favorites" list!

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Thanks, Scottie! Mr. Sullivan is a good addition to any β€œThe More The Merrier” superstar line-up. 🌈✌️

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Thank you for those iconic Phil Knight photos including the milk glass photo. He has always churned my butter. A lot of your music reminds me of a 1950s piano bar drinking Martinis and wearing a Tux. Must have been in another life. smiles Craig.

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Love it. If Phil’s drinking milk, I’m having a glass of wine or something stronger. Glad you enjoy the music. Tends to vary from piano bar (adjacent) to classical to acoustic, indie folk. Now taking suggestions for other genres. :-)

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Sep 12Liked by Clint Collide

Ohhh Clint, your spoiling me, multiple Phil Knight in his high rise FOTL briefs πŸ˜‰ all those automobiles including early Tbirds with Brandon and others. On a more human level 15:10 real working miner at the pit head showers getting rid of the coal dust and allowing himself to be pictured. In my past I lived and worked in a coal mining/steel producing area and the public steam baths were always busy on Fridays especially as guys steamed away the coal/steel making grime ready for a night on the 🍺🍺 those guys were not shy at scrubbing each other down, it wasn't seen as anything other than helping each other get clean. All different times to today. Cheers DougT πŸ‡«πŸ‡΄

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Sep 16Liked by Clint Collide

Yes, it's amazing how times have changed. Most changes have been for the better. However, innocuous things that wouldn't've drawn a first look, never mind a second, are utterly 'scandalous' in this faux victorian modesty that has appeared in the last 20 years.

One thing I miss is the attitude of , 'If it's not your business and doesn't affect you, you have no right to open your mouth about it. Don't like it? Then don't look.' I admit I was thrilled to hear Wallz make a comment supporting this.

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From my pov, with social media rewarding performative outrage, more and more people (myself included at times) feel compelled to pump up the volume on their outrage. Clutch The Pearls (and Earls) get a disproportionate amount of attention. Most folks, like Mr. Walz, are hard-working folks doing what they do. I’m here (and queer) for getting back to that kind of society.

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Sep 16Liked by Clint Collide

Thanks Anton for adding your comment to this thread. Indeed social commaraderie between guys is still present just it's seen in a different light these days. Cheers DougT πŸ‡«πŸ‡΄

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Glad you enjoyed, Doug. The coal miner was such a quiet, tender moment...I had to find a place to share it. Thanks for sharing your experience. I find that kind of friendly gesture truly moving. Those guys worked so hard for so little...glad they could afford to share some tenderness with each other. So very human. Cheers.

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Sep 13Liked by Clint Collide

Gee thanks Clint and I'm glad you appreciated my comment on the miner. It's a whole social history in itself. Before mine owners developed an empathy for miners the guys had to go home blackened in coal dust, and use a tin bath( no luxury of an inside bathroom back then) to clean away the grime. Union and people power brought in pit head showers, better working conditions. Local towns developed swim pools and steam baths long before saunas were introduced for miners and guys to get a full skin pore cleanse of working day grime. Naked intimacy was ever present and not seen as anything else than guys being guys. The you scrub my back I'll scrub yours philosophy. When I was an active Y Club member and before gender assimilation there were several bath tubs in the shower area and it was common to find 2+ guys all in a tub together. The taps running water into the tubs it was all heady stuff to a me. Again nobody thought about it, it's what guys did at that point in social history. Oh, Clint I could wax lyrical about the past, my past, sighhhhhhh. Cheers DougT

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Thanks for more history on the topic than I was aware of…context matters, right? Appreciate you.

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I realise that have a variety of "filters". Sometimes, I look at the photos and think about whether they are the sort of man who would make a potential life-long lover. Sometimes, I am drawn to wanting to take care of and parent the man in the photo. Less commonly, my filter is for thinking that this or that man would keep me safe and look after me. And so on... Tonight, I was switching filters back and forth and each of these men are attractive for a spectrum of reasons. Thank you, Clint. You prompted me by saying that you find all of these men attractive in different ways.

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Awwww...thanks, Ray! I think you summed up it up so well. Not every man is gonna be for all seasons, but every man has a few reasons...why I find them attractive. :-)

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